175x150mm Heavy Duty Face Fix Joist Hanger

175x150mm Heavy Duty Face Fix Joist Hanger
Price: £10.13 (£12.16 inc VAT)
- Product Code: A1-5196
- Delivery Time: 2 - 3 Days
- Brand: TECO
- Model and Size: HWTNT175
- Weight: 1.03g
175x150mm Heavy Duty Face Fix Joist Hanger
Width: 175mm
Height: 150mm
Thickness: 2.5mm
Weight: 1.03g
175mm x 150mm Heavy Duty Face Fix Joist Hanger is especially designed for timber to timber, concrete or masonry fixings. The hanger is produced from 2.5mm thick pre-galvanised mild steel and in accordance with the specification given in the BS EN 10327:2004 DX51D+Z275.
- All hangers come up to 150mm deep
- M10 & M12 bolt holes for added versatility
- 95mm bearing
- Nominal depth 150mm
- Available in standard or with concealed flanges
- Available also in stainless steel.
FIXING INSTRUCTIONS for 175x150mm Heavy Duty Face Fix Joist Hanger
- In order of avoiding rotation, the hanger should exceed the half of the supported member depth.
- Can be fully nailed, coach screwed and bolted.
- 3no. M10 x 75mm Coach Screws on either side and the supported joist bolted through the hanger using an M12 Bolt
- The safe working load also depends on the block strength and used fixings.
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